AGM 2017
Our 2017 AGM was held in the Museum on 21 October with about 60 in attendance. The meeting was followed by a BBQ luncheon.
All office bearers for the previous year were re-elected unopposed and our Patron and Honorary Solicitor were re-appointed by resolution.
Three presentations of the Patron’s Award were made, the recipients being: John Batze for his long and practical help, particularly at the Museum; to Fran Ng for her extended background service to the administration of the Association; and Maurie Pears who has given ongoing, stalwart support through promotion and association.
No life memberships were awarded for 2017.
Our Association was formed in 1989 and incorporated in 1990. The founding president was Colonel Harry Green who remained President until his death in February 2005. I was appointed President in the same year, so the 2017 AGM concluded my twelfth year in the position.
Amazingly membership has remained in the range of 180 to 200 over this period: as longer term members passed on new members of former PNGVR soldiers have joined. However, it is inevitable that our finite potential membership will soon decrease. For an Australasian wide, small, closed membership, association we can be justly proud of our many achievements over the years.
Since our incorporation our activities have increased as the association became better known. We have developed an increasing network of kindred organisations with which we share activities, mainly commemorative in nature.
Our prestigious newsletter Harim Tok Tok, which remains our main communication with our wide flung membership, continues to grow its popularity amongst members and others; and our respected military museum is becoming more widely known throughout the community.
The social media through our website and Facebook is increasingly contributing to our activities. As an association and on all accounts, we have met the stated objectives of our constitution and we will continue to do so.
The growth of our Association is not accidental, it has come about by the continued interest of members to retain their association and being actively supported by a strong, long serving, competent committee based in southeast Queensland. Over the years the committee has comprised of probably no more than 10% of our membership. Some have served for many years, Colin Gould our Secretary has held that position for 25 years while John Holland our historical officer and museum curator has been in the saddle for nearly as long as Colin. Douglas Ng our Treasurer, Bob Collins our editor, Paul Brown our welfare officer and weapons specialist are similarly long tenured committee members. This continuity in organisation gives the association its strength and also creates confidence between committee members that whatever and whenever jobs are undertaken they will be done and done well.
Our Association is blessed by the dedication of all our committee members, thank you one and all.
2017 has been a very busy year. It’s activities have been well recorded in our Harim Tok Tok, website and Facebook.
All office bearers for the previous year were re-elected unopposed and our Patron and Honorary Solicitor were re-appointed by resolution.
Three presentations of the Patron’s Award were made, the recipients being: John Batze for his long and practical help, particularly at the Museum; to Fran Ng for her extended background service to the administration of the Association; and Maurie Pears who has given ongoing, stalwart support through promotion and association.
No life memberships were awarded for 2017.
Our Association was formed in 1989 and incorporated in 1990. The founding president was Colonel Harry Green who remained President until his death in February 2005. I was appointed President in the same year, so the 2017 AGM concluded my twelfth year in the position.
Amazingly membership has remained in the range of 180 to 200 over this period: as longer term members passed on new members of former PNGVR soldiers have joined. However, it is inevitable that our finite potential membership will soon decrease. For an Australasian wide, small, closed membership, association we can be justly proud of our many achievements over the years.
Since our incorporation our activities have increased as the association became better known. We have developed an increasing network of kindred organisations with which we share activities, mainly commemorative in nature.
Our prestigious newsletter Harim Tok Tok, which remains our main communication with our wide flung membership, continues to grow its popularity amongst members and others; and our respected military museum is becoming more widely known throughout the community.
The social media through our website and Facebook is increasingly contributing to our activities. As an association and on all accounts, we have met the stated objectives of our constitution and we will continue to do so.
The growth of our Association is not accidental, it has come about by the continued interest of members to retain their association and being actively supported by a strong, long serving, competent committee based in southeast Queensland. Over the years the committee has comprised of probably no more than 10% of our membership. Some have served for many years, Colin Gould our Secretary has held that position for 25 years while John Holland our historical officer and museum curator has been in the saddle for nearly as long as Colin. Douglas Ng our Treasurer, Bob Collins our editor, Paul Brown our welfare officer and weapons specialist are similarly long tenured committee members. This continuity in organisation gives the association its strength and also creates confidence between committee members that whatever and whenever jobs are undertaken they will be done and done well.
Our Association is blessed by the dedication of all our committee members, thank you one and all.
2017 has been a very busy year. It’s activities have been well recorded in our Harim Tok Tok, website and Facebook.