Exercise ‘Steele Tuff’ 2108.
9 RQR held their annual Exercise “Steele Tuff” on 7/8/9 Sep. Assn members Peter Rogers DFC, Gerry McGrade, Jesse Chee and Bob Collins attended on Sunday to present Medals to the winning Section.
This award is keenly contested and this year 7 Sections took part. The winning section, commanded by Cpl Bambrick came from A Coy, based at Caboolture. Other members of the section were:
- L/Cpl S. Boyle
- Pte. D. Wicks
- Pte W. Det Foy
- Pte G. Murphy
- Pte M. Trembath
- Pte L. Hamilton
- Pte S. Westerweller
The training staff at 9 RQR, under the direction of the CO Lt Col Andrew Kirby and the RSM WO1 Scott Warby had set a challenging programme consisting of::-
- Equipment selection for the Ex. (extremely important as the sections had grueling exercises to complete and the range of equipment and weapons available was extensive).
- Live firing on the 25 metre and 100 m range with all weapons.
- Proficiency on the Weapon Training Simulation System.
- Conduct in the Urban Operation Training Facility
- A navigation course.
- Medical Stand with a Medical incident.
- Operations in the Night Training Facility.
- Skill in Communications
- Section movement over the Obstacle Course
- General Military Knowledge written quiz.
The Army Reserve units now have a high priority on the issue of new weapons and equipment and 9 RQR has received a number of the new EF Steyr rifles on the same scale as Regular Battalions.
Overall it was a pleasure to be able to observe the skills and equipment of a modern Reserve Unit and our Assn members were impressed at the high standard of training.
9 RQR held their annual Exercise “Steele Tuff” on 7/8/9 Sep. Assn members Peter Rogers DFC, Gerry McGrade, Jesse Chee and Bob Collins attended on Sunday to present Medals to the winning Section.
This award is keenly contested and this year 7 Sections took part. The winning section, commanded by Cpl Bambrick came from A Coy, based at Caboolture. Other members of the section were:
- L/Cpl S. Boyle
- Pte. D. Wicks
- Pte W. Det Foy
- Pte G. Murphy
- Pte M. Trembath
- Pte L. Hamilton
- Pte S. Westerweller
The training staff at 9 RQR, under the direction of the CO Lt Col Andrew Kirby and the RSM WO1 Scott Warby had set a challenging programme consisting of::-
- Equipment selection for the Ex. (extremely important as the sections had grueling exercises to complete and the range of equipment and weapons available was extensive).
- Live firing on the 25 metre and 100 m range with all weapons.
- Proficiency on the Weapon Training Simulation System.
- Conduct in the Urban Operation Training Facility
- A navigation course.
- Medical Stand with a Medical incident.
- Operations in the Night Training Facility.
- Skill in Communications
- Section movement over the Obstacle Course
- General Military Knowledge written quiz.
The Army Reserve units now have a high priority on the issue of new weapons and equipment and 9 RQR has received a number of the new EF Steyr rifles on the same scale as Regular Battalions.
Overall it was a pleasure to be able to observe the skills and equipment of a modern Reserve Unit and our Assn members were impressed at the high standard of training.
Over a cargo net and into the water on the 'Confidence Course".
It takes teamwork to overcome some of the obstacles. A soldier cannot achieve success by himself.
A 9RQR Section on one of the stands on the "Confidence Course".
A group of USA Marines watching the 9 RQR Sections complete the 'Confidence Course".
Bob Collins and Gerry McGrade in the John French Club awaiting the presentation.
Peter Rogers DFC giving an address to 9 RQR about the history of the Papua New Guinea Volunteer Rifles prior to the presentation of the medallions.
Gerry McGrade, Jesse Chee, Bob Collins and Peter Rogers DFC presenting the medallions to the A Coy Section 9RQR
Gerry McGrade awarding one of the Medallions.
PNGVR members and 9 RQR winning section with CO 9 RQR Lt Col Kirby