Anzac Day, Brisbane, 1999.
With Saturday 24 April dedicated to recovering from the week long display and Regimental dinner the night before, this year's Anzac parade saw one of the largest turn outs of NGVR and PNGVR members 98 on parade. Unfortunately our supporting band from 9 RQR was unavailable, nevertheless we again paraded a very professional and well presented unit. The public applause was most stirring and as the unit passed the saluting stand, the Governor was heard to say "Well done PNGVR! Well done. "
Above. Mike Larkin and Michael Ahmat.
The two photos above that and the two below are of the assembled group prior to the march.
The two photos above that and the two below are of the assembled group prior to the march.
The March. Col Harry Green leading. Lauren Eastwood (daughter of Leigh Eastwood) carrying wreath.
To her left is Tom Lega MM. (NGVR/ANGAU)
To her left is Tom Lega MM. (NGVR/ANGAU)
Paul Brown carrying Banner. Barry Wright holding Banner rope.
Left hand row. Gordon Robertson, Rudy Buckley, Barry Beaman, Dave Harris, Ralph Seeto. Michael Ahmat, ? . ? .
The service in the Hall of Memories, Anzac Square, Lauren Eastwood assists Henry MacCauley (NGVR/ANGAU) with the laying of a wreath. Col. Harry Green is looking on.
At the reception. Joe Fisk, Lauren Eastwood, Col. Harry Green MBE.
Jim Keenan (NGVR/ANGAU) and his wife at the reception.
John Batze and Stan Carswell. Both had travelled from North Qld to attend the March. Stan was, in later years, awarded an MBE.
Rudy Buckley and his family
Dave Harris and Col. Mal Bishop MM.
Col. Mal Bishop MM, Harry Green MBE., Allan Wadsworth.