C Coy Goroka, Mt Hagen, Banz.

Annual Camp, Mt Ambra, Western Highlands, 1965
Front L-R. WO2 Des Pryde, Sgt John Cameron, Cpl Dick Hart, Sgt Bob Collins, Lt Bruce Swanton, Capt Peter Harbeck, Lt Mac Farland, Lt Stewart Lewis, WO11 Bob Hunter, Sgt Karl Aschhoff, L/Cpl Daniel Gere, Sgt Allan Booth.
Annual Camp, Mt Ambra, Western Highlands, 1965
Front L-R. WO2 Des Pryde, Sgt John Cameron, Cpl Dick Hart, Sgt Bob Collins, Lt Bruce Swanton, Capt Peter Harbeck, Lt Mac Farland, Lt Stewart Lewis, WO11 Bob Hunter, Sgt Karl Aschhoff, L/Cpl Daniel Gere, Sgt Allan Booth.
C Coy PNGVR at annual camp, Igam Barracks, Lae. 1968.
Mount Hagen Drill Hall.
L/R Stewart Lewis, Minister for the Army, RSM Colin Lee, Peter Harbeck.
L/R Stewart Lewis, Minister for the Army, RSM Colin Lee, Peter Harbeck.

Anzac Day Goroka 1965.
PNGVR marching to the Cenotaph. Lt Mac Farland leading, Pte Jeffrey, Cpl Ben Scheelings., Pte Taratia (tallest), L/Cpl Buga (shortest).
Pte Jeffrey was a dentist and Pte Taratia a Doctor. Both had trained at the Suva Medical College.
PNGVR marching to the Cenotaph. Lt Mac Farland leading, Pte Jeffrey, Cpl Ben Scheelings., Pte Taratia (tallest), L/Cpl Buga (shortest).
Pte Jeffrey was a dentist and Pte Taratia a Doctor. Both had trained at the Suva Medical College.
Anzac Day Goroka 1965 with SGT Bob Collins commanding. CPL Richard Hart is the PNGVR member facing front alongside a policeman, a 35 Bn Cadet and a Corrections officer NCO obscured. There was great co-operation between the four services in Goroka.
Note that SLR rifle barrel is resting on the ground. Normally it rests on the boot, however, the Warder was only issued with sandals, so the rifles were rested on the ground.
Note that SLR rifle barrel is resting on the ground. Normally it rests on the boot, however, the Warder was only issued with sandals, so the rifles were rested on the ground.

7 Pl C Coy Goroka, 1966.
Welcome parade for incoming PNG Chief Justice at the Goroka Showgrounds.
Lt Bob Collins Commanding parade.
Sgts with sash, S/Sgt Barry Wright (L in photo) and Sgt Bob Sears (R in photo). Cpl Rick Giddings beside S/Sgt Wright.
Welcome parade for incoming PNG Chief Justice at the Goroka Showgrounds.
Lt Bob Collins Commanding parade.
Sgts with sash, S/Sgt Barry Wright (L in photo) and Sgt Bob Sears (R in photo). Cpl Rick Giddings beside S/Sgt Wright.
7 Pl marching on parade. Cpl Giddings 2nd Left. Lt Bob Collins Parade Commander.
The Salute for the Chief Justice
Drill Hall Goroka, 1968
A farewell presentation to the CO, MAJ Dick Newman in 1964. WO2 Joe Fisk, the CSM, is on the left.
C Coy Goroka 1960. Inspecting officer Dr. J. Gunther. Parade Commander LT Don Heap.
Photo courtesy of Juergen Raasch who emailed “COL Eldridge was responsible for my ending up at OCS Portsea where I graduated in December 1963 into the RAA. Following my year in Vietnam, I was posted to back to HQ PNG Command in 1967 for 3 years as SO3 Ops/Air/SD/Trg and ended up as the BRIG ADC where we shared many memories of the PNGVR. As much as I used to curse jungle training at Goldie, it helped me survive on numerous occasions during 1966/67”
Photo courtesy of Juergen Raasch who emailed “COL Eldridge was responsible for my ending up at OCS Portsea where I graduated in December 1963 into the RAA. Following my year in Vietnam, I was posted to back to HQ PNG Command in 1967 for 3 years as SO3 Ops/Air/SD/Trg and ended up as the BRIG ADC where we shared many memories of the PNGVR. As much as I used to curse jungle training at Goldie, it helped me survive on numerous occasions during 1966/67”
8 Pl, C Coy, contingent 1959 in front of old drill hall in North Goroka.
L – R rear rank – Ian Fraser, Frank Hiob, ?? , Darryl Sears, WO2 Jack Eggins and WO2 Burrows
Font rank – Michael Raasch, Juergen Raasch, Colin Green, Ken Weare, Jeff Wolfe and Pte Plumb (only ever known as such)
L – R rear rank – Ian Fraser, Frank Hiob, ?? , Darryl Sears, WO2 Jack Eggins and WO2 Burrows
Font rank – Michael Raasch, Juergen Raasch, Colin Green, Ken Weare, Jeff Wolfe and Pte Plumb (only ever known as such)
Anzac Day Goroka 1960. Cenotaph party. R-L. Juergen Raasch, Michael Raasch, Constables and WO2 Jack Eggins
Anzac Day Goroka 1960. Cenotaph party. Juergen Raasch, Constable ?
Anzac Day Goroka 1960. Before the ceremony. Cenotaph party. WO2 Jack Eggins, Michael Raasch, Juergen Raasch, Constable ?
Inside the Goroka Drill Hall 1964. Cpl Bob Collins centre. Note riverstone mural on wall. All mess items disappeared when PNGVR was disbanded.
(Photo courtesy of Bob Collins)

Army Ball Goroka, 1967 held at the Goroka Hotel.
From L. Sgt Gil Harvey-Hall, ?, Pte John Carpenter, Daisie Taylor (daughter of Jim Taylor, one of the first white men into the Highlands in the 1930's), Marina Scheelings, Judy Greathead (Daughter of George Greathead ANGAU) , Gerry Chan. Cpl Ben Scheelings standing.
(Photo courtesy of Bob Collins)
Goroka 1967. Bob Collins, Pl Comd, 7 Pl C Coy on leaving PNG has his final drinks at the mess. Drinks on the wireless aerial was instigated by Maj Peter Harbeck.
(Photo courtesy of Bob Collins)
(Photo courtesy of Bob Collins)
Goroka 1967. Close up of Bob Collins having drinks on the wireless aerial. Pl Sgt Bob Sears had to bring the drinks up on demand.
(Photo courtesy of Bob Collins)
(Photo courtesy of Bob Collins)
Drill Hall Goroka 1968
Anzac Day Goroka 1968. WO2 Des Pryde leading PNGVR contingent.
Goroka 1965. Sgt Bob Collins, Pl Sgt., 7 Pl C Coy, with Helen Smith at the Army Ball at the Goroka Hotel
(Photo courtesy of Bob Collins)
(Photo courtesy of Bob Collins)

A local Goroka villager inspects the 3 inch Mortar at the PNGVR display at the Goroka Show 1968.

PNGVR Display
7 Pl C Coy
Goroka Show 1968

860248 Graham Jones, 8 Pl C Coy, Banz, circa 1965
L-R Joe Fisk, Pte Dash, ? Bob Gerhke, ? (to the right) Colin Butler,
L-R: LT Stewart Lewis, ADO Mt Hagen Phil Robb (also a SGT in PNGVR), LTCOL Mal Bishop MM. The white bags contained £600's worth of single shillings. The purchase was for the land and labour connected to the construction of Mt Ambra camp. The owners insisted on being paid in coins, not notes.
LT Stewart Lewis (L) and LTCOL Mal Bishop at the purchase of Mt Ambra. 1965
Photo by Stewart Lewis
Photo by Stewart Lewis
Presentation Of Colours. L/R Lt Allan Wadsworth ,Capt Stewart Lewis, Lt Ian Thompson (3rd guard)
(Photo courtesy of Stuart Lewis)
(Photo courtesy of Stuart Lewis)

Stewart Lewis and Joe Fisk.
(Photo courtesy of Stuart Lewis)
Mount Hagen Drill Hall, Anzac Day 1967. L-R Joe Fisk, Bob Gerhke, Stewart Lewis, Alan Uhlman, Karl Aschhoff.
(Photo courtesy of Stuart Lewis)
(Photo courtesy of Stuart Lewis)
L-R: Des Martin, Stewart Lewis, Garth Blackman, Bill McGrath, Joe Fisk. in Port Moresby.
(Photo courtesy of Stuart Lewis)
(Photo courtesy of Stuart Lewis)
.9 Pl display at the Mt Hagen show
Val Morrison escorted by Captain Stewart Lewis to marry WO2 Joe Fisk Mount Hagen 1967
(Photo courtesy of Stuart Lewis)
(Photo courtesy of Stuart Lewis)
Function for the Minister for the Army Mt. Hagen 1967. Major Peter Harbeck, Mrs Ann Lewis & Capt Stewart Lewis
(Photo courtesy of Stuart Lewis)
(Photo courtesy of Stuart Lewis)

Recruits Mal King and Dave Olley.
7 Pl C Coy, Goroka, 1967
C Coy PNGVR Mt Hagen circa 1967. WO2 Joe Fisk and Cpl Bill Molony after a bivouac. No doubt the empty bottle of “Buka Meri” was used for medicinal purposes during a cold night.